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man waiving hands in front of a steering wheel as he awaits impact.
March 19, 2025

10 Common Causes of Road Accidents

Millions of road accidents occur in the United States every year. Some involve passenger cars alone, but crashes can also occur with trucks, motorcycles, pedestrians, cyclists, and even stationary objects.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration documented more than six million reported road accidents in 2022, with preliminary numbers for 2023 showing similar trends. These numbers reveal a stark reality: road accidents remain a persistent threat, impacting the lives of countless individuals, often in profound ways.

When you are injured in a road accident, the effects can extend well beyond the scene of the wreckage. Physical pain, emotional suffering, mounting medical bills, lost wages, and so much more can impact recovery. If your injuries are the result of someone else’s negligence, you deserve to be compensated for these damages.

Determining the cause of road accidents is essential for establishing liability and seeking fair compensation. This is where we step in. Our attorneys recognize the toll car crashes and road accidents can take. We are here to support you through the process. With close to five decades of experience, we have handled some of the most complex road accidents and car crash cases in Rhode Island. We are here to review your case—without cost or obligation—to help you decide whether pursuing legal action is right for you.

If you have been injured, call us at 401-273-8330 to schedule a complimentary case review at our Providence office. We represent individuals and families living throughout Rhode Island and Massachusetts.

10 Causes of Road Accidents

There are many ways in which road accidents or a wreck can occur, and no two crashes are exactly alike. However, some elements are more common in road accidents than others. Ten issues that are frequently at the heart of road accident litigation include:

1. Driver Distraction

Distractions are a leading cause of road accidents as well. Even though Rhode Island prohibits handheld cell phone use behind the wheel (and prohibits minors from using their phones at all), it is clear that far too many drivers still choose to talk on the phone, text, and scroll social media while driving. Talking to passengers, rubbernecking, eating and drinking, and adjusting on-board electronics are all common distractions—and common causes of road accidents—as well.

2. Driver Impairment 

According to the Rhode Island Department of Health, roughly 40 percent of all fatal road accidents in the state involve drivers who are drunk behind the wheel. Drunk drivers cause a significant percentage of all serious but non-fatal accidents in Rhode Island as well.

3. Driver Fatigue

Studies have shown that fatigue can have similar effects to low-level alcohol impairment behind the wheel. Studies have also shown that many people drive while fatigued, and that driver fatigue is a risk at all hours of the day.

4. Recklessness Behind the Wheel 

Even when drivers aren’t being inattentive, distracted, impaired, or fatigued, they can still make poor decisions behind the wheel. Recklessness is a common reason for road accidents as well. When drivers tailgate, weave through traffic, and engage in other reckless driving behaviors, they are far more likely to cause accidents that result in serious or fatal injuries.

5. Failing to Look Before Turning or Merging 

Looking before turning or merging only takes a split second, and it can prevent collisions in many cases. Yet, many drivers turn or merge without checking for oncoming traffic. All vehicles have blind spots, and drivers cannot rely solely on their vehicles’ mirrors and assisted driving features when determining whether it is safe to turn or get over.

6. Assuming Other Drivers Will Move or Wait 

In many cases, road accidents happen because drivers assume that other drivers will either move out of their way or wait for them to pass. This is a common factor, for example, in intersection accidents that occur when a driver speeds through a red light. This type of negligence can also lead to accidents when a speeding driver assumes that the vehicle in front will move over or proceed through an intersection instead of braking.

7. Traffic Law Violations  

Rhode Island’s traffic laws exist for a reason. They are designed to ensure that the state’s roads are as safe as possible and that drivers can predict how other drivers will behave on the road. As a result, when drivers violate these laws, they often end up causing road accidents. Some examples of common traffic law violations that result in accidents include:

  • Driving while distracted, drunk, or high
  • Passing illegally 
  • Running red lights
  • Running stop signs
  • Speeding

8. Road Hazards and Defects

Along with driver-related factors, road hazards and defects are common reasons for road accidents as well. Negligent road construction, inadequately marked construction zones, and inadequate road maintenance are frequent factors in Rhode Island accidents.

9. Vehicle Maintenance Issues and Defects 

Vehicle maintenance issues and defects can also lead to road accidents. Defective and inadequately maintained brakes, tires, lights, engines, and transmission systems can all cause drivers to suddenly and unexpectedly lose control on the road. In many cases, vehicle maintenance issues and defects will combine with driver negligence to result in serious or fatal collisions.

10. Inexperienced Drivers

New drivers may lack the experience to make quick, safe decisions. According to the CDC, people between the ages of 16 and 19 are at the highest risk for road accidents, with thousands of teens falling victim to serious or even fatal injuries every year. Speeding, distraction, and drug and alcohol use have been cited as common causes of road accidents involving teenagers.

There are several reasons for road accidents in Rhode Island. When you get injured in a crash, determining why the accident happened is one of the first steps toward recovering compensation. The experienced road accident and car crash attorneys at Mandell, Boisclair & Mandell can help to determine the cause of your wreck and which party or parties may be responsible for your physical, financial, and emotional losses. If you have been injured in a road accident, reach out today for a free consultation to learn more about your options and rights.

Common Injuries Caused by Road Accidents

While millions of road accidents occur yearly, not all result in serious injury. However, hundreds of thousands of serious or fatal injuries are reported following car, motorcycle, and truck accidents annually. Among the most common injuries resulting from road accidents are:

Many of these injuries require emergency treatment to prevent fatal complications. All can take months or even years to recover from. Some may prove impossible to fully overcome. When someone else’s actions caused your injury, you have every right to hold that person accountable and seek compensation for these damages and more.

Road accident injuries may require medical intervention, prevent you from working, and diminish your quality of life. They can result in a lifetime of expenses and untold amounts of pain and suffering. At Mandell, Boisclair & Mandell, we understand the impact these injuries can have on your family and future. Our lawyers are committed to helping you secure the compensation you need for your recovery, ongoing care, and other concerns.

When Should You Call a Road Accident Lawyer?

When you are seriously injured or a loved one is killed in a road accident, it’s a good idea to talk to an attorney before accepting a settlement offer from Insurance. This doesn’t mean you should wait for an offer to speak to a lawyer. Calling an experienced road accident attorney for a free consultation immediately after a crash helps to protect your rights and keep your options open.

A road accident lawyer will:

  • Conduct an investigation to determine the cause of your road accident
  • Identify all liable parties
  • Calculate your damages to include both economic and non-economic concerns
  • Negotiate with insurance for a fair settlement
  • Take your case to trial, when needed, to fight for maximum compensation

Road accident cases can be very complex. They may involve multiple parties, have several contributing causes, and result in serious or fatal injury. To ensure you are not cheated out of full compensation or placed in a vulnerable position, it is a good idea to have an attorney on your side right away.

The Road Accident Lawyer You Choose Matters

Having an attorney on your side is not enough. You need one with the experience, commitment, and proven history to help you get the compensation you deserve. At Mandell, Boisclair & Mandell, we have almost 50 years of experience serving injured people in Providence and throughout Rhode Island. An award-winning law firm with award-winning lawyers, our results are a reflection of our commitment to justice and absolute dedication to each client we serve. Our lawyers stay personally involved in the cases they take, building strong relationships and providing support for individuals and families when they need it most.

Contact Our Providence Road Accident Lawyers for FREE

To schedule a complimentary consultation at our Providence office, contact Mandell, Boisclair & Mandell online or call us today. We welcome clients living throughout Rhode Island and nearby areas of Massachusetts.